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Новые прически для Геральта The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Оригинальное название: New Hairstyles For Geralt (DLC2 Improved)

Модификация для ролевой игры The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt добавляет в игру новые прически для главного персонажа игры. Главной особенностью мода является то, что он добавляет, а не заменяет что-либо в игре, дополняя при этом набор DLC 2.

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Если вы хотите облегчить прохождение The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Ведьмак 3: Дикая охота), то можете воспользоваться нашим файловым архивом. Здесь собраны только проверенные и работоспособные файлы для игр, которые можно скачать бесплатно.

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Источник статьи: http://vgtimes.ru/games/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/files/faces_hairstyles/18584-novye-pricheski-dlya-geralta.html

Лучшие моды на внешность Геральта: Генри Кавилл, пивное пузо и темная кожа

Уберите от экрана защитников чистоты лора.

Постоянно видеть лицо Геральта надоест уже во время второго прохождения, даже если менять прически и бороду после каждого квеста. Мы подобрали несколько модов, которые точно разнообразят катсцены, иногда до полного разушения погружения: например, ведьмака можно полностью заменить Адамом Дженсеном или Джокером.

В сериале «Ведьмак» Геральта сыграл Генри Кавилл. У него запоминающаяся внешность с необычным подбородком, так что теперь на Геральта в игре будут западать абсолютно все женщины, но это не точно.

Более брутальный Геральт с лицом как у Эйвора из Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. На самом деле, автор мода вдохновился кинематографичным трейлером об убийце чудовищ.

В этом моде не меняли лицо ведьмака, но добавили больше не лор-френдли татуировок. Во второй части у Геральта были татуировки, но с этими он больше напоминает разбойника.

Автор изменил цвет волос и прическу Геральта, сделав его немного похожим на Нико Беллика из GTA IV. Это противоречит лору – Сапковский пояснил в книгах, что из-за мутаций у Геральта поседели волосы, но, согласитесь, темный цвет ему тоже очень идет.

Еще один темноволосый вариант ведьмака – это превращение в Локи из «Мстителей». Зачем? Одному моддеру известно. Но выглядит, как минимум, забавно.

Уберите от экрана тех, кто ругался на темнокожих эльфов в сериале «Ведьмак», потому что после этого мода их придется отпаивать валидолом. Автор мода joshjneumann обычно делает шуточные моды, но в этом случае чернокожие люди благодарят его в комментариях.

Геральт никогда об этом не просил.

Об этом вообще никто не просил. Ведьмак постарел, приобрел кучу морщин, зато шрам на глазу исчез.

Читайте также:  Стрижка по контуру лица

Сразу два мода на лицо Джокера – нормальный и шуточный.

Что объединяет Геральта и Джокера? Пафосная Высшая Цель™, высказывания для пабликов и возлюбленная с очень своеобразным характером. Знаете, откуда у него эти шрамы?

Если бы Witcher 4 существовал, Геральт выглядел бы именно так – после Туссента и счастливой концовки с любимой чародейкой можно немножко расслабиться. В этом случае «немножко» равняется килограммам тридцати, не меньше.

Какие еще моды на изменение внешности Геральта вы встречали? Расскажите в комментариях.

Источник статьи: http://cyber.sports.ru/tribuna/blogs/betterthansex/2827709.html

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt «Geralt trailer hair»

Окрашивает волосы Геральта в цвет более похожий на цвет с трейлера.

(работает только стандартными волосами, без HW)

Установка: Извлечь папку из архива в The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt/mods

это уже серый волк а не белый волк -_-

sewerus123 ..нам не страшен серый волк =)

KazymirZyba Не страшен , хм, ну тогда жди гостя.

DDock Ой, за бочёк ухватит?)

KazymirZyba Скорее отхватит, убежать то толком не сумешь .

DDock Блииин)

Бред. Волосы совсем не каноничные, как правильно выше заметили.

Было бы здорово, если бы кто-нибудь сделал ему волосы как в трейлере «Убивая монстров» (не слишком длинные, без конского хвоста и не такие будто только что голову с шампунем помыл).

Источник статьи: http://www.playground.ru/witcher_3_wild_hunt/file/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_geralt_trailer_hair-964082

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  • New Hairstyles and Beards For Geralt (DLC2 Improved)

New Hairstyles and Beards For Geralt (DLC2 Improved)

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About this mod

This dlc adds 19 hairstyles and 12 beards to your game. This is not a replacer, but a true dlc. Please read instructions.

This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

Mods requiring this file

Credits and distribution permission

  • Other user’s assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
  • Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
  • Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
  • Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
  • Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
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  • Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets

Author notes

This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions

File credits

I use Cemkey’s headband as a base for my own headband.
CraniumJ for his Full Pony Hairstyle.
Roksa for her Stylish Hairstyles.
HellSpawn for his Wolverine hairstyle and beard.

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Language Name
Russian Author: b1ackbeat Russian Translation for New Hairstyles and Beards For Geralt (DLC2 Improved)
Polish Author: PumpernikeL DLC2 Improved Polish translation

Version 2.2.1

  • Just a small compatibility update for Shades of Iron armors.

Version 2.2

  • First Hairworks update. Full pony, full pony (long), shaved tail (long) and spiketail (long) now have a hairworks version.

Version 2.1

  • Added an alternative Olgierd’s hairstyle.
  • Added Udalryk’s goatee, Olgierd’s beard and mustache, sideburns and a chin curtain.
  • Updated compatibility of DLC2ImprovedWhiteHair with my 3D eyebrows mod.

Version 2.0

  • Added my interpretation of the Witcher 1 hairstyle.

Version 1.9.2

  • Fixed the toxic mask issue with all custom heads.

Version 1.9.1

  • Updated german translation by Asthat.

Version 1.9

  • Added Feregorn’s cinematic and zoltan hairstyles.
  • Added mohawk hairstyle with long ponytail.
  • Added Viking hair by FidoX
  • White recolor is now covering the whole game (only non-hw) and added support for 3D Eyebrows for Geralt
  • Tweaked the leather headband.

Version 1.8.1

  • Added german translation by Asthat.

Version 1.8

  • Added Folan and Bran beards, a mustache and a classic goatee.

Version 1.7.1

  • Forgot to make the edits to the new game plus xml in the previous version. Fixed.
    Forgot to add compatibility between Logan hairstyle and cat hood. Fixed.

Version 1.7

Version 1.6

  • Added Wolverine hairstyle and beard by HellSpawn.

Version 1.5

  • Added Shaved hairstyle.
    Added Donar an Hindar beard.
    The vagabond armor and some of the Shields/More Robes armors now use the tucked variants.

Version 1.4

  • Added my version of the Rivian ponytail.

Version 1.3

  • Added a long version for CraniumJ’s full pony and the shaved pony tail.

Version 1.2

  • Added Roksa’s stylish hairstyles.
    Added compatibility with cat armor hood.
    Added spanish translation, by Aquileon.

Version 1.1

Version 1.0

Both straight donations and premium membership donations accepted

Please read instructions, I will not be responsible if you break your game.

Consider endorsing the work of the authors who agreed to share their work with me, to show them the support they deserve.

Adds new hairstyles for Geralt to the game :

— Long and loose, passing behind the ears. (not sure about this one as I don’t know the hairstyling vocabulary in english lol)
— Long, with a headband.
— Long and loose, passing behind the ears. (alternate) (alternate = without the strands of hair on his forehead)
— Long, with a headband. (alternate)
— A pony tail. (*) (By CraniumJ)
— Olgierd’s hairstyle. (By Roksa) (Should look better with a bald retexture of Geralt head)
— Witold’s hairstyle. (Didn’t use Roksa’s file for this one, but she still deserves the credit for the idea) (Should look better with a bald retexture of Geralt head) (Funny thing about this hairstyle : CDPR actually made one themselves, but it has no physics and is not available in vanilla game. Roksa used this one, I didn’t as I wanted physics)
— A pony tail. (long) (*) (Crown by CraniumJ)
— Shaved ecept for a pony tail. (long) (*) (Geralt’s bones are not supposed to handle such long hairstrands so it can look goofy sometimes)
— A Rivian pony tail. (Don’t expect a simple import from Witcher 2, this is my interpretation. Again, physics can look goofy as the game isn’t supposed to handle such a pony tail.)
— Shaved.
— Logan’s hairstyle. (By HellSpawnKD637)
— Zoltan’s hairstyle. (By Feregorn) (Should look better with a bald retexture of Geralt head)
— Slicked back long hair. (By Feregorn)
— Shaved on the sides, short on top, and a pony tail. (long) (*)
— Viking braids. (By FidoX) (Should look better with a bald retexture of Geralt head)
— Long, elven style. (Witcher 1 inspired hairstyle. First, don’t expect a copy of the ingame hairstyle, it looks more like the opening cinematic hairstyle because I used this as a reference : https://imgur.com/a/lKCzafs. Second, this is just an interpretation, remember.)
— Long, elven style, with a headband.
— Olgierd’s hairstyle. (alternative) (a version that matches with Geralt’s hairline. I made my own as Hellspawn never answered my request. And it was literally a 5 minutes edit for the mesh part, so wasn’t seeing a reason for not doing it myself).

I tried to get the headband removed during naked cutscenes etc but I could not as the game doesn’t truly desequip the armor for these cutscenes, it just hides it.
However, I decided to remove it when Geralt is supposed to be elegant, or equipped with a shirt or shirtless.

Of course each hairstyle is coming with its own tucked and naked versions (just the one I make myself).

You can find them at all hairdressers except the drunken one in novigrad. Blood and Wine hairdressers excluded.
Just scroll your way down in the hairstyle choice lines at your hairdresser.

Adds new beards for Geralt to the game :

— Donar an Hindar beard.
— Logan’s beard. (*) (By HellSpawnKD637)
— Mousesack’s beard. (Looks like Santa)
— Folan’s beard.
— Bran’s beard.
— A mustache. (*)
— A classic goatee. (*)
— Udalryk’s goatee.
— Olgierd’s beard.
— Sideburns. (*)
— A chin curtain. (*)
— Olgierd’s mustache.

New beards are made through custom heads, the same way original dlc2 beards are made. So it should be compatible with tattoo and mark from HoS but not if you enable them via console. Haven’t really tested it for the moment. Tell me if this is the case.

Only available at the rich hairdresser from Novigrad for the moment. Editing the .w2scene for a new custom head is waaaay longer than for new hairstyles. So, for the moment, I’m not gonna add them to other hairdressers, it takes too much time.

(*) : hairstyles and beards marked with this have a hairworks version.

It is an improved version of the DLC2 while, of course, keeping the original hairstyles and beards from DLC2 intact.

And as it is still considered as DLC2 it is useless that every modder does his own DLC2 because we can only have one in each installation, and we should gather all the cool hairstyles in only one DLC2.

As this is a true DLC and not a simple replacer, you are no longer forced to disable your hairworks in order to use these hairstyles and beards.
But of couse they are non-hairworks.

If there are hairstyles or beards you like and want them to be added to this mod, tell me. But firstly, I’ll have to find them interesting in the first place so no simple recolors, and secondly, of course I’ll ask the original author for his permission.

I made a whiter hair version without making it look bleached for people like me who want to live a true book experience with this headband ;). (Requires main file.)

Also coming with localization strings so you can do the translation if you want. French is already done. Only the ones in «dlcDLC2ImprovedStrings» matter, the other ones are vanilla game strings.

Instructions :

— Make a backup of your original DLC2 located in your dlc folder.
— Then delete the original DLC2 from your dlc folder.
— Finally just copy paste the files from my mod to your dlc folder. (There are 2 folders.)
— You also have to know that, like the original DLC2, this dlc is required by your savegame if you save once using it.

And as always, some quotes, and as always in French because I am lazy :

— For the headband and the milky white hair :

«Le cavalier avait les cheveux blancs comme le lait, plaqués sur le front par un bandeau de cuir, et un manteau de laine noire retombant sur la croupe de sa jument alezane.»
              Andrzej Sapkowski, Quelque Chose en Plus, L’Épée de la Providence

— For the fact that Yen does not like him wearing his headband when supposed to be elegant, at a banquet, at a soirée, etc. :

«— Que va-t-on faire, Yen ?
— Circuler dans la salle, se saluer, flirter, converser. Arrête de lisser ton justaucorps et de tripoter tes cheveux.
— Tu m’as interdit de mettre mon bandeau.
— Ton bandeau est prétentieux. Arrête de ronchonner, prends-moi par le bras et allons-y.
              Andrzej Sapkowski, Le Temps du Mépris

Non-official english translation :

«The rider had milky white hair, tacked on to the front by a leather headband, and a black woollen coat, flowing down to the backside of his chestnut mare.»                 Andrzej Sapkowski, Something More, Sword of Destiny

«-What are you going to do, Yen?
-Mingle, meet and greet, maybe flirt a little. Stop flattening your doublet and fiddling with your hair.
-You said not to wear the headband.
-Because it’s pretentious. Stop whimpering, hold me by the arms and let’s go.
              Andrzej Sapkowski, Time of Contempt

Источник статьи: http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/4400

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