- Создание персонажа: Рик Граймс из Ходячих
- Референсы
- 3D-сходство
- Волосы, брови и борода
- Ткань
- Рендер
- Исполнитель роли Карла в «Ходячих мертвецах» распрощался с экранной прической
- How to Dress Like Rick Grimes
- Clothing Purchasing Guide
- Jackets
- Shirts
- Pants & Boots
- Sheriff Accessories
- Rick’s Sheriff Hat
- Rick Grimes’ Coats
- Do They Sell Officer Rick Grimes’ Jacket?
- Where to Buy His Other Jackets
- Rick’s Shirts
- Sheriff Shirt
- Where can I find all of these accessories?
- Where to Get His Other Shirts
- Pants
- What Pants Best Match Rick’s?
- Where to Purchase Rick’s Jeans
- Rick Grimes’ Boots
- Where Can I get The Boots?
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Создание персонажа: Рик Граймс из Ходячих
3D-моделер из Бразилии Ricardo Luiz Mariano делится техникой создания реалистичных персонажей в Zbrush.
Ricardo Luiz Mariano живет и работает в Сан-Пауло. Он разрабатывает экшн-фигурки для Marvel, DC и Disney. В CG он уже три года, больше всего ему нравится создавать различных персонажей и существ для игр и 3D-печати.
Последние несколько месяцев Рикардо упражнялся в создании правдоподобных персонажей. Рик Граймс стал первым проектом, где он смог соcредоточиться на создании реалистичных лица, волос и бороды.
Я всегда начинаю новый проект с поиска референсов. В этом случае – референсов Рика Граймса. Очень важно найти изображения интересующего вас предмета/персонажа с разных ракурсов: чем больше — тем лучше. Минимум фас, профиль и три четверти. Не помешает, если подберете фотографии объекта с разными выражениями лица.
Для скалптинга я использую zbrush, на мой взгляд, это самый полноценный инструмент на данном этапе. Обычно, я начинаю с нескольких базовых мешей – так работа идет быстрее. Поначалу, я не заморачиваюсь повышением количества полигонов: гораздо легче стартовать с базовой формы. Я также обнаружил, что DynaMesh может быть крайне полезен и при маленьком разрешении. Как только я закончу с базой, я смогу повышать количество полигонов модели до тех пор, пока не добьюсь полной схожести с референсами. В модели всегда найдется какая-нибудь деталь, которая может полностью уничтожить сходство. В данном случае, это глаза. Я использую Spotlight – удобная штука для проверки сходства: она позволяет вам сравнить вашу модель и референс.
Волосы, брови и борода
Я делаю маску в том месте, где хочу добавить растительность и сымитировать локоны, которые зададут направление волос. Как только маска готова, я делаю Extract, а потом, работая над формой, применяю DynaMesh. До финального рывка еще далеко, потому я не вдаюсь в детализацию: эта форма послужит подсказкой для создания реалистичных волос.
Основу для бровей я создаю также. Затем я использую меш, который я сделал с помощью ZSphere, для распределения отдельных волосков. Каждый из них я дублирую, корректирую размер и расставляю, добиваясь полного сходства с референсами.
Создавать бороду таким образом немного сложнее. Я использовал тот же базовый меш, что и при создании бровей, я создал «петлю» из пяти волосков, предварительно скопировав и изменив положение каждого из них. Ближе к шее волосы становятся более редкими, и вместо того, чтобы просто изменить положение петли, я разбил ее и воссоздал эту нерегулярность. Я также добавил поры на лице, чтобы придать модели нотки реализма.
Детализирование волос проходит по той же схеме, что и детализирование бороды, за исключением некоторых нюансов. С помощью ZSphere, я создаю базовый волос и придаю ему различные формы. Работая с бородой, я должен был учитывать беспорядочность роста волос, при работе с прической, я создаю блоки волос, которые формируют пряди, и покрываю ими всю голову.
Ткань – самая легкая часть процесса. После того, как я смоделировал всю одежду, я иду в UV и применяю шум. Для шва я использовал специальную кисть. Куртка была создана с помощью стандартной кисти с альфа +штрих (stroke) интенсивностью в 100%.
Для рендера я использую несложные настройки. Сначала я настраиваю материал в zbrush. Я использую Blinn со значением Specular — 15 (Modifiers) и Strenght – 50 (Wax Modifiers) для создания эффекта SSS. Я завершаю работу в фотошопе, предварительно создав документ с большим разрешением, для улучшения качества изображения.
Источник статьи: http://3dpapa.ru/rick_grimes/
Исполнитель роли Карла в «Ходячих мертвецах» распрощался с экранной прической
Мы уже писали, что исполнитель роли Карла в популярном сериале «Ходячие мертвецы» покидает шоу после половины восьмого сезона. Его персонажа укусил зомби, и теперь он должен тоже превратиться в ходячего мертвеца, поскольку никакого противоядия от укуса не существует.
Новость об этом стала неожиданностью, как для самого Чендлера Риггза, так и для его коллег по съемочной площадке. В частности, его экранный отец Эндрю Линкольн сказал журналистам, что был уверен, что его персонаж погибнет первым: «Я всегда думал, что Карл будет тем, кто поведет сериал вперед. Я думал, что Рик отдаст ему свои сапоги и револьвер, прежде чем уйти в закат в 28 сезоне».
Еще больше расстроились тысячи фанатов сериала по всему миру. Они даже написали петицию с требованием вернуть Карла и уволить сценариста и продюсера шоу. «Недавно Скотт Гимпл решил убить самого главного героя шоу Карла Граймса, сына Рика Граймса, — говорится в петиции. — Весь сериал шел к тому, чтобы показать, что Карл стал таким же лидером, как его отец, и, возможно, в один прекрасный день он его заменит… Актер Чендлер Риггз даже подумал о том, чтобы отложить свое образование в колледже, чтобы работать на шоу, так как Гимпл пообещал ему участие в проекте в течение ближайших трех лет…»
Однако, несмотря на возмущение фанатов, надежда на то, что Риггз вернется в шоу, все меньше. Сам молодой актер на днях разместил в своем Twitter фотографию, на которой он изображен с новой прической — подстриженными коротко волосами. Поскольку у Карла была внушительная копна волос, можно предположить, что, расставшись с ними, Чендлер Риггз уверен, что больше в шоу не вернется.
Источник статьи: http://rus.jauns.lv/article/znamenitosti/264098-ispolnitel-roli-karla-v-khodyachikh-mertvetsakh-rasproshchalsya-s-ekrannoy-pricheskoy
How to Dress Like Rick Grimes
Rick Grimes is the grainy voiced, pistol slinging Sheriff’s deputy who reluctantly leads our favorite group against hordes of “Walkers”, as well as the increasingly threatening remnants of the human population on AMC’s The Walking Dead.
Whether you simply would like to incorporate Rick’s style into your own fashion or you’re considering doing some Walking Dead cosplay, this guide may offer some assistance.
And if you’re looking for a bit more detail (blood stains, dirt, rips/tears etc.) in your survivor cosplay, check out my guide on it here.
Clothing Purchasing Guide
We recommend:
Rick’s Sherpa-lined Jacket
Rick’s Long Sleeve Plaid Shirt
Rick’s Khaki Long Sleeve Shirt
Rick’s Black Short Sleeve Shirt
Pants & Boots
Rick’s Justin Cowboy Boots
Sheriff Accessories
Rick’s Cowboy Sheriff Hat
Rick’s Sheriff Hat
Rick’s Sheriff’s Department Shoulder Patch
Rick’s Sheriff’s Department Star
Rick’s style overview:
- Sheriff’s hat
- Dark jeans & boots
- Revolver
Rick’s Sheriff Hat
Rick Grimes is known to wear a “Chocolate Stetson Roper 4X”, accessorized with gold campaign cords and a King County Sheriff Badge.
Unfortunately this particular hat has been out of production for some time. So unless you posses one or know where to track one down (they can be pricey), I would suggest finding an alternative.
Pertaining to this specific Rick Grimes outfit or Rick Grimes costume you are putting together, you will more than likely choose to include his signature King County sheriff hat.
While this item is a staple for an early appearance Rick Grimes cosplay, in the later seasons Rick doesn’t wear the hat, as he passes it on to his son and protege’ Carl.
Also it is worth noting that an accurate representation of Rick’s hat must be customized from a few separate existing items.
Nevertheless, if you are looking to complete Rick’s classic look, Rick Grimes’ headgear is an absolute necessity.
This Brown Felt Cowboy hat would make a perfect base for a custom King County sheriff’s hat.
This Brown Studded Cowboy hat is a decent match and somewhat more affordable, it’s just not my first choice.
As I stated above, in order to complete your accurate King County sheriff hat you will need a few additional items, including:
- Gold hat cord — this one matches pretty well
- King County Sheriff’s badge — It is important to remember you will need two of these for an accurate portrayal, one for your hat and one for your shirt.
Rick Grimes’ Coats
Rick Grimes jackets usually stick around for a while considering he really only has three memorable coats. I think this is due in part to the fact that Rick is either wearing a jacket all the time or not at all.
As I was saying, Rick has three main jackets that he favors. His standard issue brown, King County sheriff dept. jacket from season one, his brown denim jacket from season 3 and his fur lined black suede jacket from season 4.
Do They Sell Officer Rick Grimes’ Jacket?
I haven’t been able to track down any police surplus deals on that particular jacket, but they do have a very similar jacket on Amazon, check it out here.
If you’re planning on making your own version of Officer Rick Grimes jacket you will need two additional King County Sheriff dept. patches. One for each shoulder.
These patches on Amazon are reasonably priced and surprisingly accurate.
Where to Buy His Other Jackets
Rick’s other jackets are probably the easiest items to obtain so far as you can find nearly identical matches for both pretty easily.
This Carhartt sandstone jacket is almost identical to the jacket worn by Rick Grimes in season 3.
This fur lined black suede jacket looks exactly like the one he wears in season 4 of The Walking Dead.
Rick’s Shirts
Rick is almost always wearing a solid colored t-shirt, frequently with his police uniform or one of his many cowboy shirts on over that. Rick’s shirts are some of the most fashionable pieces in his wardrobe, even when they’re caked in mud, blood and walker guts.
Rick’s shirts (other than his uniform) are generally long sleeve button down western style.
Usually he sticks to one solid color — black, tan and brown are most prominent — but on occasion he is seen in a dark plaid shirt of the same style.
Sheriff Shirt
Rick Grimes’ Sheriff Deputy uniform shirt is a simple basic piece that is relatively affordable and fairly simple to acquire. But like a few other pieces from Rick’s Officer uniform, it will need to be slightly customized to be screen accurate.
To begin of course you will need a tan and brown policeman’s uniform shirt, like this one on Amazon that’s nearly an exact match to Rick’s.
To complete your accurate Rick Grimes Deputy shirt you will need six additional items:
- King County Sheriff badge
- “Grimes” name badge
- 2 King County Sheriff shoulder patches (left & right)
- 2 Eagle collar pins (left & right)
Where can I find all of these accessories?
If you have the financial means, it shouldn’t be too difficult. Many, if not all of the items listed here are available on Amazon.
- King County Sheriff Badge — Here’s the one I used. Just remember to get one for your hat and another for your shirt.
- Rick Grimes name badge — Rick’s Gold name badge simply reads “Grimes”, you can order a custom badge here.
- King county Sheriff Dept. shoulder patch (left and right) — Both of Rick’s shoulder patches are identical. I’m just stressing the fact that you will need 1 for each shoulder.
- A pair of Eagle collar pins like these ( one for each collar ) will finish off your RIck Grimes Sheriff shirt.
Where to Get His Other Shirts
This Calvin Klein dark plaid shirt matches the one worn by Rick in the prison.
These Wrangler cowboy shirts match Rick’s style perfectly and they’re available in all the main colors Rick wears (black, brown and tan).
Additionally, he wears a basic t-shirt under his cowboy shirts and by itself at times. Usually white as an undershirt and black or brown alone. Rick’s shirts are nearly identical to these undershirts, and they’re available in all the correct colors.
Rick has two main trousers that he is known to wear.
The first are your basic police officer uniform slacks. They are chocolate brown with tan piping down the side. If you have access to some sort of police uniform surplus then these might not be difficult to obtain for you.
Otherwise, like pretty much the rest of this outfit, It’s time to find a good matching base item to customize.
What Pants Best Match Rick’s?
My first instinct was to check for military surplus, and while I did find the correct color, the military pants had extra cargo pockets not present on Rick’s slacks.
I ended up getting these basic mens brown slacks off of Amazon.
* Side note — you will need to pick up some tan colored ribbon for the vertical piping on Rick’s slacks. You can have it professionally tailored, diy or just do what I did and ask your Grandma to do it 😉
Secondly, all I can say is in a post apocalyptic, zombie infested world there must be an abundance of black jeans, because other than his standard issue police slacks, that is all Rick wears.
Rick’s jeans have to be black denim, boot-cut and zipper fly I’m certain. There are no survivors in button fly jeans.
Where to Purchase Rick’s Jeans
So you just saw the new episode of The Walking Dead and you’re like “Man , Rick is really kicking-ass in those black jeans. I think I’d like to get a pair, but wait. Where do I even start?»
These black Levi’s 517 jeans available from Amazon are a perfect match to Rick’s style.
Rick Grimes’ Boots
Between the pages of an official costume list from the Walking Dead set, Rick Grimes’ boots are identified as: Justin Style 2222, Bullhide, Chocolate.
These boots, much like Rick’s hat, are also no longer in production.
Where Can I get The Boots?
So basically you have two options at this point. Either spend a great deal of time and money to track down the exact boots ( good luck ), or find a suitable replacement. Personally I chose an alternative boot to keep more money in the budget for Rick’s guns!
These Justin Western Boots are incredibly similar to the boots worn by Rick Grimes.
Update : According to Johnny in the comments below, Tony Lama brand of boots are a subsidiary of Justin, and the closest match to rick’s boots are the Tony Lama CT2032 western boots.
In conclusion, dressing to match the style of Officer Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead can be a fun and involved project. As always hopefully you have found this guide helpful and informative.
Please feel free to let us know what you think below.
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Nice find – once again 🙂
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Time to Update it soon? ;D
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Haha yeah, I figured we’d wait until the mid-season finale 🙂
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Hey, so i was about to order a shirt, then i saw that they DONT ship to EU. You dont know any anyone else who ships them or something like the shirts above? Tnx ;D
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Hey Steffen, it’s a bit difficult to find online stores that ship to different countries outside the one I’m in, since most of them detect location, so I’d always be directed to their US store.
Also, which shirt were you trying to get?
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Outside of Amazon UK, I really have no experience with online retailers that ship outside the US. You’d probably have a better idea than I would 🙂
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Thank you ;D and yes they ship to me
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Yeah, that is a great match. It’d be really cool if all of these replica clothing/costume makers would send us samples so we could go through them all and pick the absolute best 😀
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Going to order the First one soon, A friend of me has it and it pretty much the same jacket as in the show, only thing is the outside pockets look a bit diffrent and the collar stitching could be a bit better but its nice 🙂
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Nice find, Brandon 🙂 If you (or anyone else who reads this) orders from them, please let us know how it goes and the quality of the product.
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So far I can’t find any reviews but if interested they have replica’s of the pant’s badges as well as Shane’s prologue baseball cap.
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Hey! would you guys please do Nick Clark from Fear The Walking Dead?:)
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We are definitely planning on adding Fear the Walking Dead soon, and Nick will be one of the first ones 🙂
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It looks like a Wrangler brand shirt to me, but I couldn’t find one that matched the same style as Rick’s (it may be out of production). Rick’s has black pearl snaps, and looks like it’s brown/orange (obviously his is pretty dirtied up).
Hope that helps 🙂
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You could set up the first shirt as the black one he uses at least. it looks really close. In a month or so il get money and il go on a shopping spree so i could provide some pictures for what i buy. This is at least one of the things im going to order 🙂 http://www.americanjacketsstore.com/product/the-walking-dead-rick-grimes-jacket/
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Awesome, and yes, please post some pics and let us know how it looks and feels in real life 🙂
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So for Rick Grimes, he definitely wears Levi’s brand jeans…but not the 517 boot cut. If you look very closely in series 2, the jeans fit rather slimming to his legs. Plus, at the bottom it doesn’t flare out, but tapers straight throughout the thighs and lower legs.
The tan western shirt is a CarHartt shirt. Still available if one digs deep. The jeans, I’d go with the Levi’s 511. It looks real accurate. I tried on a pair, an felt like the sheriff indeed
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Thanks for the detailed info, Matt 🙂
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Hey matt! You should also look into the Levis 514. Some people say it is the one he uses. Think the 511 and 514 are both great options
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Still looking for Rick’s boots? Try out Tony Lama ct2032. They’re a subsidiary brand of Justin boots. I own the Justin 2222, 2252, 2253, and Tony CT2032. They are the closest match. The Tony Lama have an 11 inch shoulder and more of a roper style heel which I find much more comfortable when spending hours walking around conventions. Along with the price difference. They have the same chocolate color leather and black shoulder with an almost exact pattern. They are great for people who aren’t used to a traditional tall heel and shoulder.
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Nice detailed info there, Johnny, thanks a lot 🙂
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I have found a few more items
And I want to thank you for making this page as it helps cosplayers and people who like the clothing the characters wear and want to find out what they are like me find it.
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Hey! just thought i would say that the denim shirt rick actually wears is the “Denim & Supply Ralph Lauren Denim Western” but with the small pocket tag removed, you can even see the place where it was in the show. As of now i do not know of any retailers who have them. Here is a picture of the shirt http://imgur.com/a/ThYxe
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I’m not sure what happened but my extensive comment with a few shirt links did get posted but I’ll add links to the 2 main jackets he had in the series so far
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Hey Brandon, thanks for the great info and links. I’ll probably end up adding all of it to the list/images at the top 🙂
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Hey again I want to mention the fact that Rick’s pants may not be completely black jeans but instead a different color as it has a blue tint and it might be 514 instead.
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Sorry I missed this comment, I’ll look into the jeans along with his shirt this weekend 🙂
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Hey it’s been awhile, I wanted to ask if you can update this to have the shirt he’s been wearing for Season 8. It’s his grey button up.
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Sure thing, I’ll try to remember to get it done this weekend.
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Hi, the gray shirt is a Levi’s barstow shirt. We have yet to ID the right color but we think it might be a blue one but dyed to be darker.
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Rick’s season 2-3 jacket is a levi’s trucker in tobacco field. They are kind of rare now so I decided to make my own. Levi’s has plenty of sales on the trucker jackets so bought the lightest tan, it’s just about the same shade. I spent about 45 USD on mine and wore it for almost a year to get the most natural weathered look. I removed the flap from the right side pocket and placed a rivet in the top corners where the flap was removed, I found fabric wholesaler and checked for the right shade of corduroy, just a few shades darker than the rest of the jacket and got enough to fill the front yoke like on Rick’s. (From the seam at the shoulders to above the chest pockets. It looks exactly like the one Andy Lincoln wore. All for about 110 USD. After the break-in period the rest took about a week. I suggest if you want the season 2-3 jacket don’t waste good money for a poor replica. You could even just get the light tan Levi trucker jacket and do away with all the extra stuff. I only made it screen accurate because im a tailor and had the equipment and experience. Next comes the brown suede Ugg Australia Bremont bomber jacket. But Rick wears that one just as it was when bought. Plus it’s discontinued and usually very expensive.
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Nice info Johnny, thanks. Do you have any pictures of the jacket you made? Sounds like it looks pretty cool.
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Источник статьи: http://www.tvstyleguide.com/walking-dead/how-to-dress-like-rick-grimes/